Asking for money from anyone is often a daunting task, but when it comes to funding your higher education and its hefty price tag, it is a necessary evil. When applying for a private student loan or for additional loan funding from your school, you may need to write a letter to a student loan officer. This letter needs to contain specific information to assist the lender in determining your eligibility and understanding your need. Knowing the specific elements needed in this type of letter will help you gather the funding necessary for your education.
Many schools and lenders require you to complete an application that you will submit with your letter of request. Make sure you complete all required materials and submit the packet together to avoid a delayed response. In some instances, you may see a list of specific information you need to include in the request letter. You should use this as a checklist once you complete your request letter to ensure you have included all the required details for the school or lender to process your request.
Your education loan repayment letter format should have a formal style. This means you should write in a professional and respectful manner. For example, you should not complain or use foul language when discussing your life circumstances. Instead, state your needs and background in a matter-of-fact way without appearing emotional. Set the tone of your letter by using a professional font and use a business letter format. Type the date on the top left side of the page and then move at least two lines down from the date, where you will type the name of the organization and the address. If you have a contact person, you will place his or her name on the line above the organization name. Conduct a web search and review student loan letter samples to get an idea of what your letter should look like.
If you have a contact name, begin the letter with a traditional salutation, such as “Dear Mr. Smith.” However, if you do not know who will read your letter, start your letter with “To whom it may concern.” You will start a new paragraph that will be your introduction. In this paragraph, introduce yourself and include your major, academic standing and specific goals you have. Inform the school or lender of the amount of money you are requesting.
Once you have introduced yourself and the amount you need, you can explain how you plan to use the student loan. You may need funds for living expenses or perhaps a new computer. Make sure you know any limitations on how you can use your student loan since some lenders will not fund more than tuition, books or supplies needed for a course. Next, you should state the ways the student loan funds will help you reach your goals. This provides a chance for you to give the lender reasons to invest in you and your future.
In a final paragraph, restate the amount you need and thank the school or lender for considering your request. You will then close your letter with “Sincerely,” or another appropriate ending. Include your name and contact information at the end of the letter.