Let me start off by introducing myself, because I am new to these forums.
Just turned 20, graduating here soon with an associates degree, and have finally made the decision to seek out something I have wanted ever since I can remember, becoming a Marine. Was going to join straight out of HS, but thought I'd at least give college a try, well needless to say I still don't know what I want to do in college. I hope my profile is set correct, I believe I set it as friend because I am not yet in the DEP program. and this is why.
So, a week ago I went up to MEPS, took my asvab and my medical exam and received a P3 DQ for hearing loss in my left ear. Have always had the hearing loss, since I was a child, and doctors were certain I was simply born with the loss of hearing. My right ear is perfect, spot on. no problems..I have never had any problems caused by my hearing, whether that be in school, work, or sports. have participated in any sport I could find time for, have worked all my life on a farm, and am in great shape---could always be better though. hah
With that being said, my recruiter and I sent some paperwork out hopefully to get a waiver, and received an answer back about 3 hours ago. Its not a no and its not a yes. bummer. says resubmit with console(spelling?). my recruiter tells me that I have to go back up to MEPS to see a specialists and receive more in-depth hearing tests. then resubmit for the waiver.
I think I understand most of it, my question is, if anyone has any insight on my issue please let me know what you think.
Chances of receiving waiver, know anyone who had a similar problem, or maybe yourself had a similar experience.
I guess its optimistic though that I wasn't just outright DENIED. hopefully thats a good sign. maybe I am being considered. heh
08-28-08, 07:37 AM #2SupChf
What you are talking about is a "Consult". Basically, they will be sending you to a specialist in hearing to determine how much you have lost and how much you still have. It all depends on how bad your hearing is in that one ear.
The chances of it being approved? Can't tell ya. sorry. I know that it is much more strict on the Officer side of the house. They can either say you are good to go, DQ you, or DQ but recommend a BUMED. BUMED is where your results go to the Navy Bureau of Medicine for review and they make the call. The highest degree of loss I have seen that got approved by BUMED is 21 under the highest decible.
The only thing you can do is cross your fingers and do your best on the consult.
08-28-08, 08:03 AM #3JMF177
Makes sense. I have no idea what my loss is in decibles, so I guess all I can do is go back up there and find out. I would assume they do some sort of formula to factor in my right ear, with perfect hearing, with the bum left ear. to calculate overall hearing loss, and not just focus on my left ear.
Guess I'll find out on another fantastic trip up to MEPS
08-29-08, 10:08 PM #4fjmas1976
When I initially tried to enlist, I was denied medically due to decreased extension in my elbows. Basically, when they had us in the room (stripped down to our underwear and doing the duck walk,etc)they noticed that my arms don't straighten out completely when raised straight to the sides. My arms kinda looked like a V. I applied for a waiver, was denied and had to get an orthopedic consult. I had the consult, re-submitted the waiver request, and eventually was good to go.